The Fourth Australian Technical Workshop was held in Kununurra.
Its recommendations included:
- It was agreed that restoring fish passage along the length of the Ord River was a desirable and achievable goal, with benefits to the ecological, economic, social and cultural values of the East Kimberley.
- Government should plan for funding of major works through a budget allocation for capital works within the next five years.
- There is an urgent need for biological studies to further our understanding of fish populations (species, sizes, movements in response to flows) around the Kununurra Diversion Dam to optimise the design and function of the fish passage.
- It is recommended that such a facility be incorporated in the design to attract tourists and increase public awareness of the benefits of the fishway.
- Given community concern about estuarine crocodiles passing into Lake Kununurra, the fishway will be designed to exclude them.
- To initiate this process, State Government is asked to fund a project leader to carry this project through from its feasibility to completion.